
Import Tags

Learn how to utilize tags to upgrade your workflow

Import Tags

What Are Auto-Import Tags?

Tags are attached to the names of Figma nodes to modify import behavior. This is how, for example, you can export something as a ScrollingFrame instead of the default ImageLabel.

To add a tag to a Figma object, edit the name and add any number of tags by name, separated by the @ symbol. For example, if I want to auto-export something named “TestButton” as a group and a button, I would rename it in Figma to “TestButton@GROUP@TYPE_BUTTON”.

Here is an example of tags in action:


Tags are written in @UPPERCASE format! For example, the “group” tag is written as @GROUP. Tags can be stacked, separated by @.


Below are the current tags usable for imports. Incorrect tagging is ignored and won’t error.


Groups a node in export. This means that no children will be exported under it.


Nodes with @IGNORE in the name will not be included in exports.


Declares the exported node to be a Frame class type in Studio. Frames, unless otherwise specified, export with a transparency of 1 and with a corner radius of 0.


Declares the exported node to be a ScrollingFrame class type in Studio. ScrollingFrames, unless otherwise specified, export with a transparency of 1 and with a corner radius of 0.


Declares the exported node to be an ImageButton class type in Studio.


Declares the exported node to be a TextButton class type in Studio.


Declares the exported node to be a ImageLabel class type in Studio. This is the default behind the scenes.

Where Are Tags Used?

Tags are functional with automatic exporting/importing. You can go see how it’s relevant on that page!

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