Spring(Target : Value | any, Speed : number, Dampening : number)
Value : any
The position of the spring.
Velocity : any
The velocity of the spring.
Target : Value | any
The target that the spring should reach.
Dampening : number
A value between 0 and 1 describing the friction of the spring. Going over 1 applies overdamping.
Speed : number
The speed of the spring.
Fired when the value of the spring changes
It’s recommended that you import Spring
from the Seam module so that you can use it later on:
local Seam = require(ReplicatedFirst.Seam)
local Spring = Seam.Spring
Springs are animation objects that simulate hooke’s law1 in any Roblox type. There are four types of springs:2
Each of these provide different levels of simulated frictino, with undampended being the least and overdamped being the most. Critically damped springs create just enough friction to have no “bounce”.
Springs can be created on their own, like this:
local MySpring = Spring(0, 30, 0.8)
And/or as a property of a hydrated Seam object, like this:
local Object = New("Object", {
Position = Spring(0, 30, 0.8)
Documention TBD