Scope {
[ObjectName : string] = Object : SeamScopableObject
InnerScope() -> Scope
Returns an inner scope.
Destroy() -> nil
Destroys the scope and cleans up all descendants.
It’s recommended that you import Scope
from the Seam module so that you can use it later on:
local Seam = require(ReplicatedFirst.Seam)
local Scope = Seam.Scope
is a janitor-like organization object that groups instances together. Anything created with a Scope-declared Seam object will be cleaned up when the scope itself is destroyed.
To make a scope, you declare what Seam objects you want to include. Be weary that an object must be marked as scopable, otherwise you will get an error.
local MyScope = Scope {
New = New,
Spring = Spring,
Computed = Computed,
-- etc
In this example, you can make an object with the scope by calling Scope:New:
local MyGui = MyScope:New("ScreenGui", {
-- Properties like normal
Let’s continue this example. Let’s say we want to create a child group of frames. To do so, we can call InnerScope()
local FramesScope = MyScope:InnerScope()
And we can use it the same way:
local MyNewFrame = FramesScope:New("Frame", {
--- Properties like normal
If we want to clean up the frames in this example, we can call FramesScope:Destroy()
. Alternatively, or in addition, we can also call MyScope:Destroy()
Documention TBD