


Value(Value : any)


Value : any

The current value.

local Seam = require(ReplicatedFirst.Seam)
local Value = Seam.Value

Value is a flexible state that can be used in any of the following:

Or, it can also be used by itself.

To make a new value, simply call Value(), and in the parameters enter a single value of any type. To change or read the value, use the property Value.Value.

For example:

local MyValue = Value("Foo")

MyValue.Value = "Bar"

print(MyValue.Value) -- Prints "bar"

In New, you can use it like so:

local MyObject = New("Frame", {
    Position = MyValue -- The value object

At this point, when you update MyValue, it will reflect those changes in the position for MyObject.

Similar behavior can be done for Spring and Tween, like so:

local MySpring = Spring(MyValue, 30, 1)
local MyTween = Tween(MyValue,

In these two cases, changing MyValue will update the target of the animation states.

Documention TBD